NEC SV8100
Why Choose Univerge® SV8100 Communications Server?
Whether your End User’s business is small or medium-sized, NEC’s UNIVERGE SV8100Communications Server provides the flexibility to meet all of their communication needs. This powerful, feature-rich solution is completely scalable and can be expanded for future growth. Whether your End User’s business is small or medium-sized, NEC’s UNIVERGE SV8100 Communications Server provides the flexibility to meet all of their communication needs. This powerful, feature-rich solution is completely scalable and can be expanded for future growth.
SV8100 At A Glance
- Scalable to assist growing businesses
- VoIP and traditional voice support
- Enhanced centralized management
- Investment protection
- Seamless networking
- Support for mobile users
- Diverse range of applications and features
Key Features
- Embedded applications including ACD and Mobile Extensions at no extra cost
- Unique interchangeable handset design
- Unique Netlink survivability between branches
- Unique Bluetooth handset
- Modular architecture for economical scaleability
- VoIP and traditional voice support
- Aggressively priced
Business performance is improved significantly by making an entire workforce more reachable wherever they are based.