Legacy Phone Systems

TeleCom has been in business for over 30 years!

The software and technology on the legacy telephone systems we proudly installed are quickly becoming obsolete as new technologies are developed. Some of the technologies such as VoIP do not function reliably with modern networking and internet provider services. In addition, security features needed to prevent modern threats are no longer available.

Ultimately, these kinds of issues brought on by outdated technology are highly likely to create interruptions to your business’s communications. The NEC SV8100 and Vodavi and Veritcal’s SBX have all been manufacturer discontinued. There is no longer manufacturer support.   

In addition to the hardware and software limitations, technical knowledge and skillsets have become difficult to maintain as they become obsolete when overtaken by modern technology.  

TeleCom is limited to the level support that can be provided due to limited experience with these systems, as well as limited access to manufacture’s support, technical support, software, documentation, and passwords.


Our desire is for our customers to secure the reliability of their telephone system by migrating to a more modern technology. We understand, however, that your business may not be prepared to make that investment at this time. We will continue to support our customers to the best of our ability.

Promise of Support 

Moves, Adds and Changes (MACs) and all other service-related needs: We will schedule a technician as quickly as we can. However, you may experience longer response and resolution times than you have in the past. In many cases, a technician may not be available to address your need on the same day or for several days. 

Basic programming changes: In the past, technology enabled us to provide remote programming, connecting to your phone system using telephone lines and modems. This saved customers the cost of an onsite charge. However, that dial-up modem technology has become obsolete, and most phone company services no longer allow this to function properly. As a result, we can no longer provide remote programming support on your system. An onsite visit will be required. 


Hardware repair and replacement: TeleCom no longer has immediate access to legacy parts and equipment. This may result in delays in obtaining the necessary parts for system additions or replacement components in the event of a failure. In the past, we were able to arrive on site with inventory, ready to replace any component. Due to this lack of availability and the reliability of used hardware, lengthy interruptions to your business may result while we locate and wait for parts to arrive. 

Service Level Agreement: 

  • Overall labor costs will be higher: 
  • Upper-level technicians will be required to provide additional support on outdated technology.  
  • Multiple visits may be needed to assess issues on site and then return once parts are available. 
  • Onsite support will only be available during regular business hours:  
  • Emergency and off-hours support for antiquated technology will be unavailable due to the issues as mentioned above. 
  • Remote dial-up modem support will no longer be available due to most telephone carriers’ lack of support of modem transmission over their services. 
  • Hardware repair, replacements and additions will be based on best effort: 
  • Considerations will include inventory availability at that moment and the time needed to procure additional items. 

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